Making Our World a Better Place

One of the main reasons to read The More We Become, is ultimately to inspire you to make our world a better place.  Like many, this could mean your family, friends and the people you have the privilege of interacting with in your daily life.  In addition, we see much suffering, injustice and other challenges in our world today.  What can we do to shed our light and turn something negative into a positive? How can we make our world a better place? 


What if, collectively, that was our intention and focus?  Let this be a forum to share our thoughts, insights and ideas on how to make a positive impact in the lives of others.   


An organization that is focused on reducing suffering, hunger and poverty in our world is CARE.  CARE is an international charity organization founded in 1945. It not only seeks to address short term emergency needs, but also looks to provide long term solutions to the myriads of challenges facing many communities in the world.  CARE also puts an emphasis on empowering women in Third World countries — often treated as second class citizens. By uplifting women in those communities, it also helps to stimulate the economy and standard of living in those same places.  From suffering to empowerment! Below is a link to CARE. If you can, please donate!